Our Privacy Policy


As a professional provider, we understand the importance of confidentiality in this business. SBD takes the following steps to ensure that your proprietary information remains confidential:

  • A confidentiality agreement will be signed before we start to work on your project
  • The intellectual property of service projects that we work on for you are understood to completely belong to your organization
  • All products and processes for individual clients at SBD are treated with the highest level of confidentiality
  • We will not disclose client’s name or project through media, except upon request


SBD’s scientists will maintain close communication with our clients during all stages of the research process and will inform client of any new progress in SBD no less frequently than on a two-week basis. A detailed report, all data and procedures including protein expression, purification, crystallization and structure coordinates will be sent to clients following the completion of the Collaborative Research Activities herein, even if terminated.

WebEx video meeting and screen sharing bring two party teams together, like we are sitting down face-to-face. WebEx meeting is our regular way to discuss project with our clients.


Quality is one of the promises of SBD service that our scientists strive to achieve. In our protein biochemistry facility, we prepare protein samples that are active, pure, homogeneous, and well-folded. For co-crystal structure determination, our goal is to provide our clients with the highest resolution crystal structures in comparison with all published data of same protein crystal structures.